Reiki Cairns Teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho, the gentle folk healing art of Reiki

Reiki Third Degree: Master Level

The best and only truly good reason for taking the Master Level is for ones own self, as a very personal healing path, just as with first and second degree.

Master Level also clearly involves a commitment to teaching the system of practice, as well as being a custodian of the form of practice, to hold it as a sacred trust, and with mindfulness, so that it continues to exist for the next generation of students to learn.

My Extended Second Degree training programme is a requirement to begin the Master Level teaching that I offer.
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Master Training

The form of Reiki practice that I teach is Usui Shiki Ryoho as it is held in the lineage of Takata and Furumoto. I speak only from the direct experience of this specific form of practice.

The traditions held in this form are not learned through the teaching of "data", nor in the space of a few days, or a week. A tradition is lived and practiced. It takes time to absorb the nuances and the ways that go with it. It takes a balanced mind and an open heart to hold and express it as a living healing art form.

Taking the Master Level training then, becomes an apprenticeship in company with an experienced master to deepen in the experience of the practice, to absorb the many nuances of the practice, and to gain deeper insights into the form of practice and its teachings. It begins with the student mindfully living and practising the system, and takes as long as it takes.

Being acknowledged as having completed this 'apprenticeship', entering into the teaching of the practice, is simply another step, and a continuing commitment to practice. There is no end point reached, the process of personal healing and self awareness continues and deepens. One does not master the practice.
The practice masters you. This is my experience.

A master
teaches essence.