Reiki Cairns Teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho, the gentle folk healing art of Reiki

About Reiki Cairns

Reiki Cairns is the name under which Mark presents Reiki classes and other Reiki related workshops in Cairns and North Queensland.

About Mark Ruge

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Mark began his practice of Reiki in early 1992, and completed the Masters level in mid 1993.

Mark was a member of The Reiki Alliance, an international masters membership body 1994 - 2019, serving on the board of directors 2000-2003, and as an interim director in 2016 and 2019.

Mark's overview and experience of of the Reiki practice through exposure over many years to the understandings of the system as taught by Phyllis Lei Furumoto, have led to the creation of
Reiki tsm, to present previously unrecognised teachings embedded in the Usui System.

Mark recently ended an 8 year public Reiki Practice based in the local markets in Kuranda, near where he lives on the far North East coast of Australia. He teaches classes on request.

For Mark, Reiki practice is an everyday occurrence, both as a personal private practice and shared with others. The Reiki practice is a way that Mark has used with great effect to navigate the challenges of his own life. He is happy to share how you can use this practice to do the same.

Please feel free to be in touch, to take a class, or to have an experience of the Reiki practice from a very experienced practitioner.

The contact page has the details.