Reiki Cairns Teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho, the gentle folk healing art of Reiki

What is this healing process?

Life is an 'adventure'. Most often it is not until our 'adventure' brings discomfort, that we tend to look for answers, to look at the patterns in our lives, to consider what we might choose to do differently. To help you to discover a way forward with your particular situation, the questions that follow may be useful.

Are you feeling lost or stuck? Anxiety or depression prevents many people from living a full and satisfying life. Not being able to get beyond an experience of trauma or abuse is a difficult and lonely place. It is easy to feel that you are totally on your own. I know this place because I have been there. How do you find your way out, a way 'home'? It can be done.

Are you living with the experience of a broken heart? Most everyone I know has lost a dream, or someone who is close to their heart. This is something we all know and experience, it's simply part of life. The letting go, the finding new meaning in our lives, is often where we get stuck. How do you move from this stuck place this crazy-making world? There are ways to heal the hurt.

Is your body not allowing you to do what you used to do, or what you had hoped to be able to do? Paying attention to what my body is telling me, taking better care of myself, being kinder in my treatment of it, has led me to make changes in my lifestyle and thinking. Maybe your body is trying to tell you this same thing?

Maybe for you its none of the above, but you feel like there is an emptiness in your life. You can fill your life with "distractions" to cover it up but it's there in the alone moments, when its just you and your thoughts. What if you could put a finger on that missing piece that keeps you from being at peace?

If you are able to answer "yes, that fits for me" to any of the above situations ...then relax, this is simply what it is to be human.

In the midst of change and suffering, sometimes all it takes is simply be acknowledged, to be heard, to be seen, to be valued …to feel safe and accepted just as you are. This is where the Reiki practice opens up possibilities.

If you have never had an experience of the Reiki practice, it is gentle, nurturing, and absolutely safe. The benefits are a less stressful mind space, a more balanced and relaxed approach to life, a source of comfort and relaxation for the body, and peace for the mind.

A Reiki 'treatment' may be an opening to knowing an answer or a direction. There is nothing to lose and possibly much to gain. Go to the Reiki page for more information about the practice and Reiki treatment.

If you are local to the Cairns and Tablelands area and wondering if this is for you, or you simply would like to have the 'Reiki experience', then book a treatment session. Phone me or send an email from the Contact page.
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Change Date - 12/9/22